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Bash Scripting Essentials

Published Mar 07, 2020 15:00

By no means am I a professional at bash scripting. That being said, I’ve done some pretty cool projects with just pure bash scripting, like ContainerTop, a container-based desktop environment launcher, and ungoogled-chromium-builder to let my private server build ungoogled chromium for my laptops.

At work, I also write a bunch of utility aliases and functions to aid my work - these are my “commonly utilized” techniques and commands condensed into a blog post. This article is written as a “cheatsheet”, hopefully to serve as a quick reference for myself; though, if you find it useful, you can bookmark this page!

NOTE: When writing bash scripts, make sure to run chmod +x ./relative/path/to/script at least once to flag the script as an executable.

Table of Contents

  1. Shebang
  2. Redirects
  3. Background
  4. Subshells
  5. Variables
  6. Exit on error
  7. Return code
  8. Ending a block
  9. Arrays
  10. Finding files
  11. Replacing strings
  12. Finding strings
  13. xargs
  14. Removing columns
  15. Newlines are not preserved


Any executable file containing the “shebang” in its first line:


Will cause the script to be executed by the specified executable, which also means the script needs to be in a language understood by those executables. Some common shebangs I’ve write are: /usr/bin/ruby and /usr/bin/python3, which uses the Ruby and Python interpretor for the script respectively. Most people publishing scripts for usage online use /usr/bin/env ruby and /usr/bin/env python3 instead, allowing users with non-standard or different interpretor locations to use the scripts.


Redirects use the operators < and >. By default, inputs come from STDIN and outputs go to STDOUT, which are typically your terminal input and output respectively. This behaviour can be changed with < and >.

For example,

echo "hello" > file

Will write the word “hello” out to file, which is a normal file.

cat < file

Will read the word “hello” from file, which is the same file the “echo” has written “hello” to.

Common use case: Log files

Redirects can let you log the outputs of commands:

cat /var/log/syslog 2>&1 > log

Whatever expression in front of > will produce outputs that go into the log file. 2>&1 instructs bash to redirect STDERR(2) to STDOUT(1). This is quite helpful for commands that don’t typically output to log files.


The ampersand symbol at the back of a command will cause it to run in the background:

sleep 999 &

When a background command is executed within an interactive shell, you can switch back to it with fg and switch away from it with CTRL+Z. Use ps to view the processes currently running in the terminal session. For a terminal session with no background processes, you should see two items: bash itself, and ps.


Subshells are created with the following syntax:

$(echo "hi")

The results are assignable to a variable, but without protection, it can run arbitrary commands. Try this:

$(echo "echo oh no")

This will print oh no instead of echo oh no. Such arbitrary commands can be avoided by enclosing the subshell with quotes (“). This works because $ is an escape cue for bash when interpreting strings.

VARIABLE="$(echo 'echo oh no')"


Variables can be defined like this:


It can be used with “$VARIABLE”:

echo "$VARIABLE"

Both variants should print hello.

To inhibit printing, use single quotes (‘):

echo '$VARIABLE'

The line should print $VARIABLE.

Exit on error

There are two ways to achieve this: (i) set -e and (ii) || exit 1.

set -e
test -x thisfiledoesnotexist || exit 1

It is highly recommended to use the latter, as the behaviour is more well-structured and well-defined. set -e causes the shell to exit on error if any subcommands return with an error (defined as non-zero return status), while || exit only exits on that particular line.

Return Code

To know the last return code of a command, use $?.

echo "this should succeed"
echo "$?" # prints 0

Remember that 0 is success.

Ending a block

Different control statements have different ending statements. Below show some examples.

if [[ -e "/var/log/syslog" ]]; then
	echo "congratulations, you have a system log"
case "$VARIABLE" in
		echo "lucky seven"
		echo "my favourite number"
		echo "universe number"
		echo "nothing special"
for NUMBERS in 1 2 3 4 5 
	echo "$NUMBERS"


Arrays can be defined like this:

ARRAY=(1 2 3 4 5 6)
echo "${ARRAY[@]}" # prints 1 2 3 4 5 6
echo "${ARRAY}" # prints 1
echo "${ARRAY[0]}" # prints 1

Turning a string of space-delimited strings into an array can be done with the following command (thanks to this link):

IFS=" " read -r -a ARRAY <<< "1 2 3 4 5"
echo "${ARRAY[@]}" # prints 1 2 3 4 5

Use arrays in for loops like this:

for NUMBERS in ${ARRAY[@]}
	echo "$NUMBERS"

Finding files

Files can be recursively found using the find command:

find . -name "*.js"

change . to a directory of your choice. The pattern defined by -name supports the metacharacters: *, ? and [], but only works for filenames, so a pattern of a/b cannot be used. Instead, use the -prune option to remove directories that should not be included in the search. (Thanks to this)

Use the -prune command to remove directories you are not interested in, like this:

find . -path "Documents" -prune -o -name "*.zip" -print
find . -type d \( .path dir1 -o -path dir2 -o path dir3 \) -prune -o -print

Replacing strings

Strings can be replaced with the sed command (among other utilities):

echo "i think apples are great" | sed 's/apples/oranges/g'

It might sometimes be necessary to use the -E flag for sed when a more complicated regex is used. I typically use regexr to build my Regex. The ‘s/’ is a sed command that means “substitute”, with the ‘/g’ at the back representing “replace everything”. The one page GNU sed manual can be found here, or obtained via the man sed command.

The escape character for sed is \ (backslash).


To replace a string in a file, simply provide an input file instead of piping the input:

touch aFile
cat << EOF > aFile
sed -i 's/oranges/pears/g' aFile

The -i flag means “edit file in-place”.

Finding strings

Strings can be recursively found in directories using grep (among other utilities):

grep "important string" -R . # searches all files recursively for important string
grep -E "[aeiou]+" -R . # searches all files for strings with one or more vowels
grep -E "[aeiou]+" *.js # searches all .js files for strings wiht one or more vowels


To pass the left-hand-side of a pipe as an argument to the right-hand-side for commands that don’t support reading from pipes, use xargs.

echo "newBranch" | xargs git checkout -b

Removing columns

If you have text like this (you can get something like this with git branch):

> git branch
* master

You can make the output processable by removing the first two columns (which contain the asterisk) with:

git branch | colrm 1 2



Newlines are not preserved

Say you have a string with newlines, like this: "hello\nworld". If you assign it to a variable after processing like this:

VARIABLE="$(echo -e "hello\nworld")"

Your output would be "hello world". Be aware of this issue when writing scripts; this can probably be mitigated by using tr:

echo $VARIABLE | tr ' ' '\n' | cat



That should be all for now. I may occasionally pop by to update this page, but the permalink should still stay the same. Keep a bookmark :bookmark: if you found it useful!

Happy coding,
